
Life in Prison and Capital Punishment

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The death penalty in the United States is a contentious issue. It is debated throughout the country on at both state and national levels. The system usually gives death sentences to people who have been found guilty of a capital crime. However you can’t take advantage of that just to find an easy way of punishing criminals. There are plenty of ways to punish people after committing a crime; death penalty doesn't have to be the answer every time. Occasionally victims would rather see their offender dead than in jail for life because certain people feel better when they get revenge on others which is understandable due to how they feel after losing a loved one, etc. There would always be people that want the death penalty to be legal and people that wouldn’t. The main reasons for capital punishment it’s to make sure that people who commit serious crimes are punished for them, whether it’s by putting them in jail for life or giving them the death penalty. Trying to create fear in other criminals would be another reason because criminals would be scare after seeing someone get killed for committing crimes of certain capacity. The death penalty is an intense punishment that would create fear in the mind of any balanced person which would stop them from doing the wrong. These are the reason why some people don’t want the death penalty to be banned. Also because the death penalty may be a solution to the victims suffering, people feel less hurt when they know that the criminal was punished for what it did. Even though the death penalty might be an intense punishment and not human; I still agree with it because it’s the solution that would stop many from committing all these crimes that they would get the death penalty for. It all depends on the crimes that were done, if it’s the killing of more than 2 people on purpose or kidnapping then the death penalty should be the final solution. For example; Stanley “Tookie” Willia

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