
The Legalization of Abortion

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? What if I told you that right now,someone is choosing if you are going to live or die; What if I told you that this choice was based on which you could or could not do what you had done in the past or what you would do in the future and what if I told you to do nothing.Right now,Thousands of children are in the same situation as we speak.Someone is choosing without even knowing whether they are going to live or die.That "Someone" is their Mother and their choice is "Abortion". The terms 'pro-life' and 'pro-choice' generally boil down to the question of whether the individual wants to see abortion banned, but there's more to the debate than that.Honestly,For me,supporting 'Pro-life' is the best option there is because the feeling that we would get when we are going to die without having even a say or argument is completely irresistible and intolerable and that goes for the fetus in the mother's womb too. ? You should be responsible for the life you created instead of taking it away.Imagine,we were the fetus in the womb and what if we mother chose abortion?Where would we be today,then?We would not be here to read this now,would we?So,we need to choose 'life' for children's sake and for our own too.Say,Abraham Lincoln mother's had decided to get an abortion then Slavery might still have been the part of our lives and the world as we know it today would have been in the phase of the third world war.Also,say Nick Vujicic's mother had decided to get an abortion,then we would not know him today,I suppose.Despite the fact that he had no limbs to begin with,he proved flawlessly that 'disable' or 'able' nothing else matters when you have the strong determination to live and the unstoppable will to never give up.Simply put,Abortion kills living children that could have one day grown up to be an important part of the world. ? Abortion is never the best choice;It is murder,an immoral killing of an innocent human life even if people ad

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