
The Intelligence Process and Osama Bin Laden

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1.0 INTRODUCTION Intelligence is all about people who need information, where they can get the information, how the way they handle the information they get, to whom the information will be given, and also how the information will be used. In the simple form, intelligence is about information. There are five techniques that can be used as a source in intelligence. It is divided into two parts, whether through human or machine, for instant OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence): is actually covenant with publicly sources whether printed or broadcast such as newspaper, magazine, and also medium broadcast. HUMINT (Human Intelligence) on the other hand can be used whether in covert action which is more focus on military either spying or espionage, or overt action which particularly means getting the information by having a discussion with other parties, but the problem through this technique is they need to make sure that the sources are reliable. IMINT (Imagery Intelligence) is based on image that they get whether from overhead or on the ground. At the same time, this technique is used to replace the previous technique which they used before called PHOTINT. SIGINT (Signal Intelligence): is divided into two, intercepted communication (COMINT) through written or only in a form of encryption, or electromagnetic emanation (ELINT) which is used more to test the missile or weapon come from other parties while in operation (J. Ransom Clark, 2007). All intelligence can be classified based on its function. Throughout, there are three types of intelligence based on the product, what they can do, and how they use it. According to Sherman Kent, accredited as a “father” of American intelligence analysis, he described that there are three “functional categories” in intelligence. First category was basic intelligence. He explained further that basic intelligence become the foundation which is, giving significance from day-to-day change and make this groundwork without any assumption into the future is likely to be worthless. It also includes any information on the broadly rigid factors as armed forces capabilities, government leadership personalities, regional weather patterns, geography and a myriad of “spot” reports on specific topics. Followed by the second category, it is about current intelligence, which provides more on planners with up-to-date intelligence on what is happening now. For example, basic intelligence is providing biographical and personality details about the foreign leader, then the current intelligence would address what he is doing today. The last category of intelligence is the estimate intelligence, dedicated to forecasting for any future activities and also helping in providing sufficient warning to the resolution made by the decision-makers. This paper will not focus deeply on the intelligence process or cycle, but it will emphasis more on how the influence of Bin Laden at the previous year’s that are still being used in certain group nowadays, especially in the Middle East. With the used of OSINT (Open-source Intelligence) and SOCMINT (Social media Intelligence), it will be easier for us to find more information on Bin Laden’s influence and his ideological. 2.0 BACKGROUND OF CASE STUDY The case study being referred to is about “Teaching the intelligence process: the killing of Bin Laden as a case study”. Recently, intelligence becomes an important component in a variety of other disciplines such as Political Science, Criminal Justice, and also the emerging field of Homeland Security. The chosen of this case study is because the issue was very familiar globally and can become a unique study according to its ability in order to create gap and educate people about intelligence process especially for students. Moreover, this study allows the students to enclosure into a variety of imperative subject which is related to the intelligence process itself. For instant, the role of the members in intelligence community, the variety method in collecting information, as well as the diverse steps in intelligence cycle and how they used it as a way to against non-state actors. It was the most historical moment on May 2, 2011, when that date became the end for the long manhunt which is the world’s most wanted man undeniable around two decade. From this event, it becomes a momentous advantage for both parties who fight against worldwide terrorism as well as the psyche for those who directly and indirectly pretentious by Al-Qaeda attack. This case study is a great example in order to illustrate into the variety complex of concept, methods and process which is related to the collection, analysis and also dissemination in intelligence to people who want to study further about intelligence. The most important attitude in teaching intelligence is the secretive nature about the subject, sometimes it also become one of the greatest challenges for them too. One thing about the location and killi

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