
Healthy and Accessible Foods

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Ba Da Ba Ba Ba I'm lovin' it. The most recognizable catch phrase of any food restaurant in the world, which belongs to none other than McDonalds. Fatty, sugar filled foods are something the human body cannot resist, so it is not surprising that the McDonalds jingle is as popular as it is. I occasionally eat fast food because it is cheap and how readily available it is, but I do not think that it is a problem. The whole fast food discussion is very controversial and many people may believe that something needs to be dont about the food that is available for purchase today, but I am not one of those people. The government should not create laws to restrict fast food or other sugary foods that are sold on the market today. The first reason why the government should not limit the food available on the market is that the government should not control what people eat. People who oppose this statement would argue that the government is only thinking about the consumers health. While this may be true to an extent I believe consumers have the right to eat what ever they want because at the end of the day they are only hurting themselves. Daren Bakst states, that the government should respect what a person decides to eat (Bakst). I agree with this statement because if they are only hurting themselves the government should not care what they eat. I think that it is nice to see that the government is caring about it citizens, but at the same time I think it is for all the wrong reasons. According to, the United States us a country that suffers from an obesity problem in its citizens ( I think that the reason the government is taking a new found interest in the well being of its citizens is because of the way the United States is seen internationally. Since its creation the United States has always been the ideal nation in the world, but as of late this has not been the case. I think this why the government has decided to care a

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