Along many years women have changed the way men look at them. They have the same rights as men and are able to do anything that a man is capable of doing. The continuing expansion of societal expectations on women has made Canadian society richer for all future Canadian generations. They have made Canadian society richer by impacting the economy, making themselves role models for other women and impacting Canadian culture. All of these impacts on Canadian society have made women and the whole country more powerful and a better place for people to live than before. Women in Canada have had a big impact on Canada's economy in many different ways. Today many of them are working in some of Canada's top corporations. For example, one of them is Karen Stintz. She is currently the chair of the Toronto Transit Commission. This is one of the top transit systems in North America. In the 1950's this job would be unthinkable because women were expected to stay at home and take care of their children. Many women thought that this was not fair so they started to protest on the streets. Another way women have impacted the economy is that women are starting to achieve equal amount of pay as men. Currently the average salary for a woman in Canada is just over $30,000. About 82% of what men earn. Men are earning much more than this. The problem with this is that many women still work in low-income or part-time jobs to take care of family because of what people thought of them before. Also if women don't work in today's time it could be a negative for many families and the whole country. With the worldwide crisis going on it could slow down the GDP in certain places which could bring a country to a recession followed by slower periods of recovery. Without women working in the workforce in today's world things could easily spiral out of control making it harder to fix. Women being role models for other women in the workforce has also had an impact on Can