I will be discussing child poverty from the “State of America's Children® 2010 Report”. I found in my research that poverty doesn’t dismiss anyone. Poverty unfortunately includes every race, every ethnicity, every culture, every country, and happens at any time. The sad truth is that is has a negative effect on the lives of many families and their children. Poverty is continuing to rise everywhere and is now at an all-time high and the unemployment rate is the same way. Over the last couple decades, the entire world has made a ton of changes. The effects of these changes have been significantly touched by many of the poverty families everywhere. Today, children are being raised in single parent homes and it is hard when one parent has to work two jobs because absence of the parents can have very drastic effects on the child (Miller, 2007). The unemployment rates are steadily growing and will continue to grow the way the economy is and how it is heading. But is sad to report that more families are jobless and have to live without any of their basic needs being met. Many children experience poverty during their preschool years, which increases the likely of them even graduating from high school (Duncan, Ludwig, & Magnuson, 2007). A child living in poverty is at-risk because they are more likely to have health issues or come from an abusive or broken home. The children that live in poverty are in the school system which automatically labels these children as at- risk. The definition of Poverty is “the extent to which an individual does without resources” (Payne, 2005). Payne (2005) also said that poverty causes a lack of the following resources; financial, emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, lack of an support system, relationships/role models, and knowledge of hidden rules. What are The Needs of Children in Poverty Today? At-risk children face so many seemingly unimaginable obstacles. Children from economically distressed families are forced to live in conditions that lack food and most often live in dangerous neighborhoods, with small crowded living quarters. This also affects children’s behaviors dramatically, these children demonstrate negative behavioral problems, unstable emotional well-being, and lack social and educational well-being (Bullard, et al. 1997). These children are less likely to be able to read, use or own computers, interest in books, no looking for quiet places to study or have