During this decade women were allowed to vote. That was important because they wanted to be part of the country, they was treating them like second class citizen. They were not allowed to vote or choose their president of their choice. They established the 19th Amendment. People in this decade had so much fun until the stock market crashes. That was important because it led to the Great Depression. This decade also have so many important people like Al Capone. He was important because he was a bootlegger. He bootleg alcohol to the United States because during this time people in America were not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages because of prohibition. Another important person was Susan .B. Anthony. She was a suffragist; she fought for the right of women voting. Another important person was Warren Harding; he was the president during this time. It was during his time the Teapot Dome Scandal happened. During this decade the Great Migration also takes place. The Great Migration was important because it was the time when African American in the United States was moving north to look for better job. The three (3) important inventions during this decade was the development of Radio, the development of new cars and the development of Telephone. It was in this decade the first licensed broadcasting was held in the radio. People used the radio to listen to news. Franklin Roosevelt used the radio for fire side chat. Before the invention of Telephone, people have to send letter to their relative or family members that leave far away. But the invention of Telephone during this decade changes all of that; it makes passing information from one person to another easier. During this decade people in America had a lot of leisure time. They spend their leisure time by going to baseball game, boxing matches, and also football games. During this time football was not one of the best sport people like but as times goes on people change their mind. Boxing was also a great sport during this time. People in America was happy about watching baseball until the black Sox scandal, they felt disappointed because the Chicago White Sox threw the World Series. The people in this decade were also happy about Technology Discoveries. Some of the new technological discoveries were new cars, washing machine, penicillin, bread slicer and vacuum. One of the best baseball players was George Herman. He was born on February, 6, 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland. His mother name was Kate Schamberger-Ruth. His father name was George Herman Ruth Sr. his parent were poor. When George Herman was 7 years old, he was being a bad kid and his parent was getting tired of him being bad. They sent him to St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys. George Herman nickname was Babe Ruth. He was called babe Ruth because when he was 19, he wanted to sign up for the major league baseball. He can't sign up until a legal guidance sign his baseball contract. George Herman first team was the Red Sox. He was a valuable player when he was at the Red Sox. He took the Red Sox to three championship game and they win it. He was not in the Red Sox for a long time. He got traded to the New York Yankees for $ 100,000. When babe Ruth left the red sox, they didnt win any championship until 2004. During his stay with the New York Yankees, Babe Ruth breaks so many records and he also set some new one. The American people during this d