
Living Life Outside

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It was always so frustrating being inside. Life inside would drive me insane. To me, being outside was always the greatest feeling as a child. At home I felt trapped and not able to have the amount of fun I could be having outside with everybody else. Seeing children my age from my room window just running around, playing sports or just overall socializing without me there, would kill me. I was never content with just watching T.V, or playing video games inside like other children, that would lead to a massive amount of boredom for me. That wasn't anything close to when I'm outside, no matter hot or cold I always felt alive. I guess outside was just my Garden of Eden. There was only one thing that constantly stopped me from entering my paradise, and that was my mother. She hated how I was always playing outside and thought I wasn't giving enough time towards my education. No matter how much I loved playing outside, I would never deny anything my mother wanted me to do. So she would always make sure any homework I had was done before I can go anywhere, also if I didn't have any homework she would give me certain questions and make sure I did them. It was a constant pain having to sit on the same desk right in front of my window in view of the whole street basically everyday. But in all honesty, that made me a way better person that I could have become.At first, when this all started I tried to get away with putting anything as the answer to mostly all my questions just to show it was done. But the one day my mom checked and saw it was all wrong she made me do everything all over again till it was perfect, and made sure to check everyday of my childhood life. My resolve to get outside and play with my friends was incredible. My ambition was equivalent to Macbeth's. This made me pay a more extensive amount while in school to make sure I knew everything for my homework. I was able to do my homework at an exceptional speed and didn't make

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