
Inside Out and Back Again

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The meaning of the novel’s title, "Inside Out and Back Again," relates to the universal refugee experience of fleeing and finding home and this experience is revealed in Ha’s story. Refugees experience dependency reversal where the role of the parent shifts to the refugee child which turns him/her “inside out”. This is seen in Ha’s story, refugees in Canada and refugees from Bosnia. Refugees experience “back again” when they adapt to new changes. This is seen in Ha’s book and refugees from Bosnia. The meaning of “inside out” and “back again” relates to the universal refugee experience of fleeing and finding home and this experience is seen in Ha’s story. Refugees experience dependency reversal where the role of the parent shifts to the refugee child which turns him/her “inside out”. In Refugee Children in Canada: Searching for Identity it states, “At home both groups may experience a role and dependency reversal in which they may function as interpreters and cultural brokers for the parents.”(Fantino and Colak, 591) This shows that the role of the parent shifts to the child which turns the child “inside out”. This is called dependency reversal. Instead of the child depending on the parent, the parent depends on the child. This universal refugee experience relates to Ha from Inside Out and Back Again. Ha says in her book, “Until you children master English, you must think, do, wish for nothing else. Not your father not our old home, not your old friends, not our future.”(Lai,117) This shows that Ha is experiencing the universal refugee experience of dependency reversal. Ha’s mother must now rely on her now instead of Ha relying on her. This turns Ha “inside out”. Refugees experience dependency reversal where the role of the parent shifts to the refugee child which turns him/her “inside out”. Refugees experience loss which turns them “inside out”. In Children of War it states, “B

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