It was my life goal. The only thing I cared about. Day and night, it was the only thing I focused on. I’ve spent months training for the moment. Failure was not an option. I would let no obstacle stand in my way. Nothing would stop me from getting my first nuke in “Call Of Duty Modern Warfare." I woke up to a familiar ringing sound in my ears. It was my alarm telling me it was Monday, May 16, 7:00am. So, I got out of my bed, shut off my alarm, and went out to the kitchen to get some cereal. I had to eat quick because I had a long, busy day ahead of me. Once I had finished my cereal I headed straight to my room where I would be the remainder of the day. Most kids like me would spend their Monday in school, but not me. I had dropped out of school months ago to pursue my life dream. My life dream was to get a nuke, in the latest Call of Duty game, Modern Warfare. So I grabbed my controller, put on my Astro A40 gaming headset, and turned my PS3 on. Within two minutes of starting up my PS3, I was already in game lobby. I got thrown into my favourite map and game mode. Afghan Domination. Afghan was a map that was really wide open and good for air support. It was also the easiest map to get a nuke, a bomb that kills everyone and ends the game. I had a good feeling that this was the game that I was finally going to get my nuke! The gun I was using was called the Tar-21 and I had a grenade launcher as my attachment. My perks were One Man Army Pro, Danger Close Pro, and Commando Pro. One Man Army Pro allowed you to change between classes whenever you want. Danger Close Pro made you explosions more powerful, and Commando Pro gave you the ability to knife farther. With all these, I was set to get my nuke. The game began and I wasted no time pulling out my grenade launcher. I fired my first grenade launcher shot across the map to A flag. To my surprise, it got me 5 kills! I reloaded another round in the gun chamber and shot. It was a miss. I had to