This essay will attempt to explain why its audience including the author of this essay enjoy the programme "Gossip Girl". The theme of the programme and the main characters will be discussed. The following paragraphs will discuss the social divide regarding the characters, those from the Upper East Side and those from Brooklyn. An attempt will be made to determine when discussing the characters and their background, whether it is the case that the audience are identifying with the characters and therefore the reason for "Gossip Girl's" popularity. Within the program "Gossip Girl" there are 16 characters, the main one being "Gossip Girl" themselves. The characters all have very different roles and backgrounds. Within the next few paragraphs, they will be discussed and talked about how they portrayed within the programme. In the first episode, the audience are introduced to two of the main characters, Serena Van Der Woodsen and Blair Waldorf. Both these characters are from the Upper East Side, they are the socialites of their school and every girl at their school looks up to them. Except when we get deeper into the series it turns out, they are bad role models, with the likes of Serena who was known for her use of recreational drugs, her obsessive drinking and girl next door partying lifestyle. Then we come to Blair Waldorf, Serena's best friend. At the beginning, Serena and Blair's friendship was nonexistent, once again because of Serena's partying ways. Like any friendship, Serena and Blair had their fall outs, which brought the worst out in Blair. Blair Waldorf was not the sweetheart, who would not hurt anybody, like everyone thought. She was in fact the only person who could hurt Serena more than anyone by posting her secrets to gossip girl. "Gossip Girl" was a phenomenon within the real life Upper East Side and surrounding communities such as Brooklyn. No matter where you stood on the social ladder, her posts would obsess you. In