
Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson

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The poet's notion that our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but powerful beyond measure, is quite profound and well supported. However, it would be better to say that our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure but are comfortable with being inadequate. A valid point was made when she commented on our beliefs that our playing small serves the world in some way. Our doing this may not serve the world but it does show us what is wrong with the world. People have gotten used to mediocrity and doing well instead of progress and success. Blinded by inhibitions and doubts and shrinking to please others only make matters worse. No one truly benefits from that. False confidence and mediocrity strive in situations as such and makes matters more complicated that they ought to be. Life Doesn't Frighten Me, by Maya Angelou The sentence "Life doesn't frighten me at all  forms the basis of this poem. On one hand it is as if the persona is trying to convince herself that all these challenges do not affect her when in truth and in fact they really do. Her repeating "Life doesn't frighten me at all  may be her way of self assurance and the belief that she truly does not fear life. On the other hand, the tone in which she writes and her use of repetition not only shows survival but it shows determination and perseverance. Naturally, she could say life doesn't frighten her and then list her experience- yea, we get it, life doesn't frighten her at all, but her repeating the statement after each experience shows survival, strength and genuine feelings that pull the reader to believe that life truly doesn't bother her at all. This poem appeals to those who genuinely are not frightened by life and those who mask their fear. It appeals to you and whatever your circumstances may be. Also, the statement "life doesn't frighten me at all  in turns becomes a motto for strength and survival because once you do not fear life you can do a

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