Consumer. A word that can be used to describe nearly every American. In the early two-thousand’s a phenomenon struck the United States that hasn’t left. The holiday of Black Friday was created. A holiday that sees 225 million American’s traveling to large retail stores and malls to kick off the holiday shopping season. However in 2011 this holiday was taken to the next level. Starting with Wal-Mart stores started to open up on Thanksgiving Day. This post-Thanksgiving holiday had now taken over Thanksgiving itself, but it was without opposition because the average five percent sale was far more important than giving thanks. This expansion of Black Friday into the holiday of Thanksgiving has proven problematic. With 12% of shoppers showing up to the stores legally drunk, people have been trampled to death running into stores. With 16% of Americans skipping the entire holiday of Thanksgiving and almost all Americans leaving their family’s early to get in line, what is the purpose of Thanksgiving? It seems that Black Friday has overcome this old outdated holiday, and rightfully so. With 11,400,000,000 dollars being spent during Black Friday last year, and 57% of Americans enjoying the holiday it makes sense that there has been a fall in Thanksgiving’s popularity. There seems to be only one possible solution to this problem. There is one thing in Black Friday’s way from continuing to expand and reach its full potential. The American people have let us know by their actions that this thing that is impeding Black Friday’s growth is no longer important to them. The holiday of Thanksgiving must be destroyed and Black Friday must become Black Thursday. It is what the American people want. To not exterminate Thanksgiving would be going against what our nation was founded upon. We live in a nation that prides itself on a free capitalistic market. Thanksgiving is only putting handcuffs on this amazing couple days of deals. These da