
Short Story - The Snowball War

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One of my favorite childhood memories was having snowball fights with my friend. In the winter, I usually went to his house and played around in the snow. We walked into his backyard crunching snow every step we took and found everything we saw was covered in white, fluffy snow. The snow was about a foot deep. I can still feel the cold breeze brushing against my face. It was still snowing so I stuck out my tongue and tried to catch some snow. I got no snow, but got lots of snowflakes melting on my face. The snow felt cold, and I had to constantly close my eyes to keep water out of them. He was being mean and started a snowball fight without me noticing. When I was just picking a hand full of snow and trying to squish the snow into a ball, it just fell apart. When I was concentrating trying to get a ball going, he just scooped up some loose snow and threw it hard on my back. It felt nice that it splashed against my back, instead of feeling like a hard ice ball. Then, I quickly grabbed some snow and whipped it, aiming at his face. Then one of his hands came up and blocked the snowball, but it just splashed around his hand and rained on his face. Then, I started to run around the house. He followed me, and we sprinted around the house almost three times. Then I was exhausted and just threw myself on the snow and rolled around. He followed my lead and laid on the snow too. We were both laughing and trying to get some oxygen in our lungs. We made snow angels on the ground. After we were rested, we made a snow fort for snowball fights. Even though there were only two people, we still worked on only one fort. He then took two shovels out of his house and handed one to me. We shoveled up some snow to make a hill. Then, I flattened the snow to make it stronger and harder while he was making side walls for our tiny fort. I made the walls curve inwards so it looked like an igloo but without the roof. We were surrounded by snow. I poked a hole t

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