
Speech on Democracy

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I am Nwakile Chilotam. I am here to propose the motion which states that “democracy is the best system of government for Africa”. Before I go on, I will like to give a simple definition of the word, “democracy”. Democracy is a governmental term which according to late Abraham Lincoln means “the government of the people, by the people and for the people. In other words it is a government where everyone has an equal right to choose their leaders. There is no doubt that democracy is the best system of government not only for Africa but for the whole world at large. I am going to prove this with the following points. Democratic governance involves election of leaders, freedom of speech, freedom of press, accountability, rule of law, equal justice among others and all these are brought about by the power given to the people. It gives people the power to choose who represents them. Democracy gives the citizens of Africa the chance to get involved in governance and in shaping their destinies. This happens by giving citizen the power to vote for leaders, who will guarantee the safety of lives and property, provide for their basic social amenities and develop their country in a way that will benefit everyone. They obviously have the right to vote for their government and by extension decide the policy of their nation. If they have the right to vote they also have the right to impeach any government that does not meet up to their expectations. They have more freedom of speech and expression than other forms of government. It brings me great happiness that a country like Nigeria, in the Western part of Africa practices the democratic system of government. If this was not so, I will not have the right to stand here and give this speech. You and I will not be able to express our ideas and opinions. Democracy is the best form of government for any country because it gives the people a chance to say what they want and what is good for them

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