
Bambinger by Mordecai Richler

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It is not everything you can see at first sight. People often forget that there is a story behind everything - a story only a few people know. Forgetting that other people have a story, can lead to a judge. This judge is often based on how people look or act. People forget there must me a reason that they either act the way they do or look the way they do. Modecai Richler writes in the short story “Bambinger” from 1962 about this topic. The short story is set in 1942, during the second Word War. The story is about a Jewish Family who rents a room to another Jew. We meet a family - a mother, a father and a son. We do not know the name of any of these persons. We do meet the man who rents the room - Mr. Bambinger. In this essay, I will focus on the main theme of the story, the conflict and the point of view. The narrator is a first person limited point of view, and we see the story through a 12 years old boy. This means that we as readers are not able to see the story with adult eyes, but only with "children eyes". This means that in order to be able to see all the hidden things in this short story, you need to read it more than one time. By this first person narrator we as readers are quickly introduced to the life around the protagonist - in this case we are introduced to the family. The story is written in past tense and it simply shows us that the story is by the protagonist later on, but probably not many years later, because he still sees the world with children eyes.the effect of being inside a 12-years old boy makes us feel bad when Mr. bambinger corrects the 12- years old. Now Richler is using some kind of irony by making mr Bambinger such a annoying authority, who just keep on correcting. Later on, we realise that Mr Bambinger only tried to do the best for the boy. While reading this short story we see a conflict. This conflict start when Mr. Bambinger first shows up in the house. At this moment we see cosmos in the boy’

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