Belief in magic and witchcraft has been around since the beginning of time. Magic came around and spells were cast to perform rituals to control the power of the Gods. Are the cast of spells good or evil? Many people perspectives on witches were describe as the Devil exchange for powers to do evil and harm others. The Salem Witch Trial Hysteria that occur in the summer of 1692 took place in Salem, Massachusetts. Many people were being accused from being a witch or practicing witchcraft. There was about twenty women and men that were put to death due the trial. Why I think the tragedy occur was because of the role of religion in the community, social issues, and young girls recklessly lying. The Puritan lifestyle was revolve by Churches and Christians beliefs. Region was an important factor for the Puritans, every word in the Bible was the truth to them. In Document 1, King James version of the Bible, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" became a source that the practice of Witchcraft was forbidden, because it was a way to communicate with evil. Puritan laws were extremely rigid and it was an order for it to be followed. Cotton Mather was one of New England's important ministers and intellectuals, his words were read and taken very seriously. Matter told the people Salem that "these evil spirits all around, go tell mankind that there are devils and witches," it was a consideration to the people (Doc 3). Another reason why I think that the Salem Witch Trials happen was because of social issues. Document 5 is a chart that most of the accused were female and married from the ages of 41-60. In the second chart it shows the accusers to be female, single and from the ages of 16-20. The younger generation seem to be interest of what was going on in older, married women lives. There wasn't a high percentage of men and I think its because young girls tend to get involve in each other business, make up rumors and gossip around town. So the