I've read and examined every panel closely in both of the volumes of the book Maus: A Survivors Tale written by Art Spiegelman. Art wishes to record the story of his father who experienced and survived the Holocaust during WWII. This graphic novel consists primarily of images that are accompanied by dialogue or narration. By the use of images Spiegelman is trying to have readers acknowledge the events of this horrible massacre graphically. When compared to prose novels, readers are forced to leave the events and information to their imagination. There are two major narratives in Spiegelman's work. The first reflects on Vladeks experiences in Poland before war, including his marriage to his wife Anja, through his stay in a Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz, and finally his immigration to Sweden after the war. The second narrative shows the difficulties and conflicts of the relationship between Vladek and his son Artie. Art Spiegelman portrays the different nationalities and races as different animals. However, only the heads of the characters are resembling animals. The rest of their bodies look, act and are dressed like humans. I believe by portraying different races and nationalities as different animals Spiegelman was not only trying to point out their characteristics, but also hint at the relationships between these groups. The drawings of faces of the different characters were pretty simple, universal and iconic. By doing so, I believe Spiegelman was trying to show that a particular type of an animal could be any other animal of that group. In other words, the story of Vladek could have been the story of any other Jew who suffered and survived the Holocaust. Spiegelman drew the characters in such a way so anyone could put themselves in their shoes. This is know as universality. As mentioned earlier, Spiegelman drew different nationalities and races as different characters. Artie, Vladek and all other polish Jews were represented