
Sweden and Immigration

21 Pages 720 Words 1557 Views

I love Sweden, I love the fact that I did not have to grow up in Kosovo during the war, I love that my parents were given a chance to have a normal life. But as you all know 13% voted for the Swedish democrats who wants to decrease immigration which means that more people will have to go through what i was lucky enough to avoid. I believe that it is wrong to start helping less people, we should not decrease immigration in Sweden. People have always been moving around the world throughout time, some got a one way ticket while others went and came back. There are many different reasons why someone would choose to move to another country and the most common one is because of war and lets face it, there has almost never been world peace. Poverty and the hope of having a better life are also two popular reasons. I bring this up is because Sweden has also had bad times, back in the nineteenth century when crops began to fail swedes had to migrate just like what the people of today are doing. Around eight hundred thousand swedes stayed in america and played a pivotal role in the growth of america as a country but it also meant that eight hundred thousand swedes got a better life and that they did not have to suffer through the difficult times. Simply put we are living in a globalized world, when push comes to shove everyone will do their best to improve their living situation so who are we to stop someone from achieving that when our ancestors have been moving around the world for centuries. Nevertheless, that was back then, I can understand if that does not change your mind yet, at the moment it feels good to live in a country like Sweden, we are safe for the time being, our crops wont probably die out anytime soon, but what if something happens to Sweden, what if you had to migrate and it is though to find a new home? wouldn't you want people to vote for a pro immigration political party? Nobody thought that Russia would invade Ukraine but

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