Shakespeare uses all forms of rhetoric to persuade his audience in Mark Antony's speech. In Shakespeare's tragedy, Julius Caesar, Antony is trying to convince the people of Rome to rise up against the conspirators for murdering Caesar. In his speech he had used rhetoric quite a bit because it was the most impactful to make the people rise up again the conspirators without him having to force them. During his speech he had used ethos, logos, and pathos to intrigue his audience and create the up rise. In Mark Antony's speech he first uses ethos to connect to his audiences moral beliefs and ethics. For example Antony states, The evil that men do lives after them (Shakespeare 85). What he is saying is that they arent evil but what they did isnt right. What he is doing is saying that these men are good honorable men but then saying all of the bad things they have done to slowing make the people turn against them. The confidence and authoritativeness in his voice had really influenced them and connected to their community to join together to take revenge. He had also used logos to persuade the people by the use of meaning in his speech and logic. As stated in the text, I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition? (Shakespeare 86). This part of the speech is very clear to the reader/audience because it specifically tells them how many times he asked because he used numbers to show an exact amount of times he had been presented with the crown and how he refused it each time. This helped Antony to show the people that Caesar did not want to rule and did not need to be murdered proving his point about getting the conspirators. This had helped him to get his point across to all of the people because he was able to give a clear understanding and connect with them. Lastly he had used pathos, this helps to connect to the reader/audiences emotions. For example, My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, a