This country and this world is as dangerous as it has ever been. Crime is going up as well as unemployment, and sometimes those who live in poverty resort to violent crime to support their families. That means the common people need ways to protect themselves, but new gun laws are making it harder than ever to get a firearm to protect the people. I believe that we should loosen gun control laws and we should crack down on the black market and not the common market. My first reason is that only about 1% of guns used in violent crimes are legally registered firearms. The expansion of the black market has made making an untraceable gun very easy, and criminals use them so they can drop the firearm at the scene and not be tracked by the serial number. That means if we completely outlawed guns it would only take away about 1% of violent crimes, and we would completely disarm the public from defending themselves. So with that statistic gun control would not make a difference in violent gun crimes. The main “solution” that has been produced is to ban most rifles, and that is the least weapon used in murders. In 2011 there were 6,220 murders committed by handguns, 1,694 by stabbing, 728 people were beat to death, 496 were killed by hammers, clubs, etc, 356 by shotguns, and 323 by rifles. If anything they should be a lot more strict on handguns and knives than they should on rifles. The only difference between these two guns is one looks more dangerous even though the way they function has not changed at all. So the government should stop their campaign on banning rifles and focus their attention on handguns. People say that guns are dangerous and that they kill people, but guns are like cars they are dangerous if they are handled by someone who doesn't know how to operate them correctly. Even if we did ban guns people would still find a way to get them and then no one would be able to protect themselves. A common misconception is that gu