My tribe has decided to cross the Land Bridge. Many of our neighboring tribes have already gone across the land bridge in search of food and new beginnings. Our tribe is going to follow in their footsteps to the new land. We have seen many great lands after crossing the land bridge, yet none of them have been what we are hoping for, until now. We have settled in the southwestern part of the new land. It is very cold, but our tribe leader has told us the ice is starting to vanish. Big, furry like animals walk across these lands. The ground shakes as they walk. They are rarely seen almost like they are starting to vanish just like the ice. I believe once we have fully settled they will be hunted for food. Our tribe has finally settled. We have nothing that will protect us or clothes for our bodies, or no shelter. For the time being some men are circled around the tribe watching for anything that might hurt us. The first hunting party has just gone out. We women are preparing to help skin the hunted animals, dry the meat, and help prepare dinner. The hunting party has just come back. They caught one of the giant animals that shake the ground when they walk. We must start preparing the catch as soon as possible. We will eat well for a little while. We found that we could use the fur for clothes, and the thin stretchy layer underneath it could be used to make tents. The bones of the animal could be used for weapons for the men and as poles to hold up the tents. Spears were made from the bone of the animal and the arrow point was made from rock. We use the spear in case we are attacked and it also used for hunting. We have survived for many months now in this new land. The ice is nearly gone and along with it what we now call wooly mammoths. We have been using the water from the ice as it melts. Now that it's almost gone we have been venturing little by little every day looking for water and doing the same for food. When we finally found