Where do deleted files go? I often asked myself this question and recently I discovered that in fact they do not go anywhere. When a user deletes a file, the memory locations still hold the data. The pointers that show the hard drive where the data is stored are "deleted" but are still not erased. This is analogous to knowledge. ‘Old knowledge’ cannot be completely discarded, rather “the pointers," in this case, the society has merely ceased to refer to it because new knowledge has taken over, just as data in memory locations can be overwritten by new data. The knowledge issue that can be drawn from the above statement is the mere nature of knowledge: In other words, does knowledge have an expiration date or is all knowledge reformed into new paradigms? To begin with, the concept of accepted and discarded knowledge can be explored through the area of history. Last year, in my history class, we learnt about the event of the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War that took place on the morning of March 16, 1968 and changed the public perception of the war. In the course of three hours, the American soldiers killed more than 500 Vietnamese civilians (women, children, and elderly). The soldiers had been on a "search and destroy" mission to destroy the Vietcong. This information was initially concealed to the American Public and at that point of time, the population of America viewed the My Lai massacre as a victory. Through the use of effective propaganda and hence the medium of language, the American government hid the truth and deceived its people. However, Ron Haeberle, the Army photographer who witnessed the bloodbath, and captured the carnages of the war, revealed the truth about the My Lai massacre. It was this photographical evidence that exposed the true story, more than a year later in 1969 and tarnished the name of the US army; most Americans were appalled by the actions of their country. It can therefore be observed that the knowledge the Americans once accepted- the My Lai massacre was a victory, was overwritten by “new knowledge” – the my lai massacre was an atrocity by the A