Grete Samsa awoke that morning to a most horrible sound. Shocked out of her bed she struggled to gain her balance, falling down onto all fours. With the noise, still constant in its horrible sound, Grete began to search the room cautiously and mute the sound to prevent her family from waking. Within a few moments Grete began to notice that she didnt have the strength to get up off of all fours. If she could not stand on all fours, Grete thought, how she could walk down the aisle. Her thoughts were paused as there was a knock on the door. Grete her mother said why on earth havent you turned off your alarm. Of course, it was her alarm that had woken her up. Stumbling towards her night stand she knocked it off bring a needed halt the terrible noise. Sorry mother she stammered I felt woozy so I had trouble getting to it. As her mother's footsteps wandered away from the door Grete began to get ready. At the closet Grete reached for her favorite dress, a beautiful blue with flowers embroidered along the edges. Pulling the dress over her head the seams began to rip tearing what had once been beautiful in to two ugly halves. At this moment Grete began to realize that her brothers metamorphosis had in some way been passed down to her. In what form she had no idea. Perhaps it was some terribly karma for having ignored her brother. It mattered not though because soon enough her mother called her out to have breakfast. Unsure of how to approach the matter Grete slowly opened the door to her room and went into the dining room, merely 10 paces away from where her mother was standing making a breakfast smelling of wonderful herbs. Darling, her mother said, her face still pointed away from Grete, are you still sure about your wedding dress? Grete thought for a moment, within four nights she would be married to someone that she hardly even knew. Every day she became more aware of how horrible and devastating the marriage would be. But how could she