?Introduction The classic definition of the family means that the family is a small social group whose members are connected by marriage, parenting and kinship, common life, total budget and mutual moral responsibility. The family is one of the four fundamental institutions of society which gives a stability and ability to fill population in each successive generation. At the same time the family is a small group which acts like the most cohesive and stable unit of society. During all life people become a part of many different groups - a group of peers or friends, school class, work team or sports team - but only family remains the group that people would never leave. Family is an integral part of society and its value can’t be reduced. Neither nation, nor civilized society ever goes without family. The future society won’t exist without family. For each person the family is the core. The concept of happiness almost every person relates with family: a happy man who is happy at his own home. Only healthy, happy families can positively effect on human, and thus on society. Realization of all family functions requires considerable effort and certain qualities of the person. In my work, in the first chapter, I consider the family as a sociological institution. In the second chapter, I consider different functions of the family: reproductive, economic and consumer, educational, renewable and other and also their interconnection. In the third chapter, I consider the transformation of the modern family. Tasks of my work: 1. To give a definition of the family as a sociological institution; 2. To consider the functions of the family and their relationship; 3. To show how the modern family has changed. 1. The Family as a Sociological Institution Family it is a socially sanctioned and constant association of people related by kinship, marriage, or adoption that live together and economically dependent on each other. As an essential component of the social structure of any society and performing multiple social functions, the family plays an important role in a social development. "Public order, - emphasized Engels - in which people live a particular historical epoch and in a particular country are caused by both kinds of production: stage of development, on the one hand - work, on the other - the family." Through the family changes generations, in family person born, through it continues all kind. The primary socialization and education of children take place in the family, and a large part of the duty is implemented in care of older and disabled members of society. The ba