Academic Accomplishment One project that I am particularly proud of is my Poetry Wheel that I completed for AP Lit. I am a very creative person when it comes to projects and this poetry wheel expresses that side of me. I received an “A” for my hard work and most of all, I was proud of the work that I presented to my teacher. I went above and beyond the expectations of the project and was rewarded for my hard work. Student Name Three words that describe me are: 1. Devoted- when I put my mind to something, I won't stop until it’s finished. Having this quality motivates me to improve my work habits in school and strive to be a better person. 2. Responsible- I am the kind of person who does all my academic work before anything else. That means if I have to stay in all weekend I will, academic work comes before anything else. 3. Respectful- I was raised in a home where respect was one of the biggest family rules and values. I believe that teachers and parents should be respected at all times and everyone should receive the respect that they deserve. Talents I am a visual learner and pick up on new skills and lessons fairly quickly. This has helped me throughout my career in school because there hasn't been a challenge too difficult for me to overcome. I also help students out in Biochemistry, or Physiology, when they need help. I also help students when it comes to Spanish since I am bilingual, it is easy for me to help them out. Teachers Teachers that know me best would be: 1. Mrs. Bernard-Mrs. Bernard she was my counselor from 9-11th grade. She has helped me through numerous problems and never fails to say hello to me in the hall. Whenever my grades were slipping she would call me in to see what was going on. She was the person that I looked up and she was always there for me when I needed her. She got me through my 9th, 10th, and 11th grade. 2. Mr. Ramos- Mr. Ramos was the best Spanish teacher I have had, he helped me with S