
Early Literacy Development

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Education is involved in everybody’s social, economic, and emotional developmental. Starting a child’s education early is therefore very important. Early literacy development has been taking place in every classroom for years now. Many different literacy programs offer parents the information to demonstrate the benefits of learning literacy early. The process of developing early literacy in children would not be possible without phonological awareness. In phonological awareness one is able to hear a particular word and break it up into syllables so as to spell the word by just listening to the letter sound, this gives one the ability to identify letters and its corresponding sounds is when it is spoken. So early literacy development is important and it is up to parents to make sure this happens. I was asked to summarize at least four findings or new learning’s from the article I picked. I found that this article was that when you say early literacy development starts at birth really how can a baby learn to read at birth? Second thing I found that when you provide children with motivating opportunities they tends to learn more in that type of environment. Third thing I learned from this article is that the author refers to Lev Vygotsky saying that a teacher needs to model the behavior and provide scaffolding and guidance to students. Lastly my fourth thing I have learned from this article is there should be a comprehensive balance when teaching. For example some students learn from visual things and word instruction and another student is a listener and learns best from phonics. Could I describe at least three ways you will apply what you learned to your classroom instruction within this article. My first practice would be asking veteran’s teachers for help with lessons that can help me instill am early start to learning. But I must make sure these lessons are within my grade level and that they are included in the common core

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