As quoted by Bill Gates, “We're changing the world with technology.” It is indeed true as we look around in today’s society. Everything we see now was not in existence back then. The invention of cameras is one of distinct quality; just imagine the hand work put into capturing a picture. It is amazing to see a picture of your physical self while still capturing a moment to reminisce on. The evolution of cameras was rather developed than created by one single inventor. Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre is said to invent the first photographic device in 1836 while George Eastman popularized photographic film in 1885. Photography is a word derived from the two ancient Greek words, photo and graph; photo means light and graphing means to draw. It is a method of recording images by the action of light or related radiation, on a sensitive material, according to It was of great engineering technique to create such a profound device; capturing every angle, moment, scene in any shape or form. They come in all different shapes and sizes, which can be seen in figure 1. In today’s society at least 99.9% of world’s population uses a camera. The first ‘Pin-hole Camera’ also called the Camera Obscura was created by Ibn Alhazen, pronounced Al-Haytham. This camera passes light from object A through the pinhole which will appear in the camera obscura’s as an upturned B image, seen in figure 2. This was more of a projector than a camera since it couldn't really store the image. The first true camera was the ‘Daguerreotype’, seen in figure 3 was designed by Louis Jacques-Mande Daguerre who named it after himself. This camera was the first to obtain permanent imagery as oppose to the Pinhole camera. The only problem was that it took up to eight (8) hours of exposure in order to fully capture the image. After exposure, the image is made permanent by bathing it in hyposulphite of soda. Then it was being toned and strengthened by