In this paper, we will see that having explicit material in music protected by the First Amendment will be resolved by using the media effects theories and concepts which includes the Cumulative Effects Theory, censorship and the Great Happiness Principle. As of right now, explicit words and actions are used in different types of music, which can be accessible by anyone of any age. The types of explicit material can be bad words, sexual references, violence, drugs and degradation of different people including genders. Some of these things can cause people to go to jail or receive a fine if done physically, but if they are sung about in music it does not happen. Why should this type of material be protected only because they are made in an artistic way? People will listen to this type of music and believe it is okay to do it. For example if someone were to talk to a peer about an experience they had that involved violence, the people listening to this might want to do the same. This will only happen because the listener might think it is right to do that. This is only a PG rating example, now imagine when the things that are being said are far more violent and explicit that they cannot even receive a rating. What will people hear? Sexually degrading lyrics common today not only are disgusting, they also put matches to the powder kegs known as teen hormones, and the results are devastating (Gore, 2006). What Gore is trying to say here is similar to the previous example, people will do what they listen. In the article, Tipper Gore explains that because music talks about sexual acts, teenagers are more likely to undergo those activities. Gore explains that rap music can be a factor of diseases and teenage pregnancies. As we can see, this is an issue that is causing many problems. We can see how this type of material is bad by using the Cumulative Effects Theory. Sometimes listening to music will not cause you to act with violence right a