Darth Vader is the ultimate villain, mostly because we can easily see ourselves in him. Instead of him being born evil, we watch Darth Vader slowly transform into the monster we all enjoy watching on the big screen. Darth Vader is one of those characters that is unforgettable. Everyone who has seen these movies at the theatre can remember the ominous march that begins to play when this tall, masked man enters the scene; He is unrecognizable. At over seven feet tall, he seems too powerful to be human. Everything he wears is black, including the cape that swishes behind him as he walks past those he terrorizes. His motorized breathing has become something of a joke for many people, but the idea of a mechanical man is actually quite scary. That breathing mixed with the actor’s deep bass voice made for the perfect on-screen villain. He is able to control people with his mind, he is able to pick up and throw things with a motion, and he is a master with the light-saber; He seems unstoppable.(maybe add something about how he is harsh or non loving) However, like many of us, his childhood is filled with love for his family. This was shown in detail, in the first three movies with his mother. Anakin has a personality a lot like t mine; he would do anything for his family. He is hardworking and willing to do whatever it takes to save the people he loves. Even though he had to leave his mother as a very young age to start training as a Jedi. He was willing to do that in order to help her and his people. Starting at a very young age, Anakin was always different. He would tinker with inventions, like C3PO. He was also very instinctive when it came to racing pods; it was as if he had a sixth sense. His sixth sense can be attributed to being born with an incredible amount of midi-chlorians (the way to communicate with the force). That was why Obi Wan was so excited to train him after testing his blood. He was destined to make an enormous impact, the problem was that he is weak because of his fear of losing his loved ones. Even though he always has the right intentions, he continuously misuses his powers due to his immaturity and pent-up anger. In fact, that is what he attempted to use to convince his son, Luke Skywalker, to join him on the Dark Side. Before they fought a light saber battle, Darth Vader told Luke that he could give him power to protect those he loves-even though Darth Vader himself had lost everyone he loved; Darth Vader was driven by a false hope. He hoped that commitment to the Emperor would provide order and safety. But under the shiny, black mask was a withered, sad man that was no longer able t