Each person has his own opinion about longevity. Some of them want to live a long life, but another category of people does not agree with this point of view. They do not want to stay alone if a spouse passes away, or to become ill due to an aging body. I think that people who live a long life, are very lucky because they can see how their grandchildren are growing up. Richard Simmons says: “The real pride, the real present, is your health and your longevity”. Centenarians give several advices how to live a long life. Their advices include drinking lots of water, staying positive, no alcohol, doing exercises, and trying to keep yourself away from stress. As for me, I want to live a long life. In my point of view, leading an active lifestyle, eating a healthy food, and keeping a brain always in motion are important things for longevity. For extending the quantity and quality of years, people have to add changes in their lifestyle. Doing exercises every day can help them to live longer. The day should start early in the morning with 30 minutes of bicycling or running. After that, a contrast shower will be a useful decision for health especially for cardiovascular system. Before going to bed, a person should do a walking because it is very helpful for falling asleep. Also, spending much time in the open air will be beneficial for the health. In the summer, playing active games such as football, basketball, or tennis will help to keep the muscles in tonus. In the winter, skating, skiing, and snowboarding are an excellent aerobic workout. I think that leading an active lifestyle can extend the life. Another helpful suggestion for longevity is eating a healthy food. People have to eat a fatty food as less as possible. It has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system because the fat clogs vessels. Scientists say that people should eat at least one apple a day because this fruit is an antioxidant. Also, apples can help to prevent spi