Are people chosen by fate? This question has been raised since human could think. It is so difficult to figure out the answer that is still a mystery today. However, a novel which is named For The Sins Of My Father could give people clues. It shows that people are probably chosen by fate. First of all, people have no choices. People think they could make choices because they use their mind to control their decisions. For example: When Roy was a teenager, he met Joseph Profaci’s brother and was introduced to Mafia. It seems like Roy made the decision by himself. He chose to join the Mafia. But the truth was that he had to join them. He needed money to live; he also needed resources to support his family. The special interesting thing was that at that time, his neighbor was the brother. Think about it, if Roy’s neighbor had been anyone else who had a proper job, just like that stockbroker, what would his life have been like? His choice was limited, he had no choice. Second of all, people could not change their own fate even though they struggle and work hard on it. For example: before Roy was killed, he made a plan with Al. He knew what would happen. He was struggling and wanted to escape. He made the plan which was almost flawless and made great efforts on it, but he was still murdered by his own associates. His efforts did not change the consequence. He had already been chosen by fate. In addition, people could not predict their fate. In other words, people never know what will happen the next second. In the story, Roy built a house which was the pinnacle of his American Dream. But since he and his family had moved there, the nightmare was beginning. Before they moved to the new house, he and his family had been living in happiness and peace. Roy’s business had been prospering with each passing day. Contrarily, their lives began to swerve out of control when they moved there. Roy absolutely had not known this would happen. He pr