Outline Thesis Statement Homeless children and their families are more likely to experience psychological challenges that the general population does not, and this needs to be addressed. I. Introduction a) Background on the causes of Family Homelessness b) Statistics on the Increasing rate of homelessness in Canada c) Homeless family and Psychological definitions II. Psychological Trauma a) Definition of psychological Trauma b) losing one’s home is stressor to psychological trauma II. Psychological Challenges faced by Homeless parents a) Family homelessness can produce a psychological sense of losing self-worth and sense of respect especially to parents 1. Parents lose control of their environment 2. Become dependent to shelter and help from other b) Family Homelessness also provides psychological challenges to parents due to social isolation and loss of sense of distrust 1. Social isolation can cause depression and anxiety 2. Helplessness and hopelessness c) Most families who are homeless live in shelter, their experience of helplessness and hopelessness leads to parents to be irresponsible to their children, so negligence follows III. Psychological Challenges faced by Homeless Children a) Family homelessness severely affects the psychological of children because at a very young age, children already experienced such traumatic events that they are still young to comprehend. 1. Young children 2. Emotional distress and behaviour b) Instability of accommodation can also contribute to the stressed experienced by children. C) The development of psychological challenges of homeless children can also be triggered in school because of the shame and pity of being homeless 1. Low self esteem, introvert, isolation IV. How You and Government Help? V. Conclusion Family Without a Home -Psychological Challenges Home is where the heart is- a place for family, privacy, stability and security. For most people, home is everything; however, not everyone gets the chance to have a place to call home because there people are homeless people and live in the street and shelters and who are struggling to survive. According to a report from Gaetz, Donaldson, Richter, & Gulliver (2013, p5), Canadian researchers on Homelessness, state that there at least 30,000 homeless each night. This is the best estimate of homelessness developed in Canada to date, and includes people who are: unsheltered (outside in cars, parks, on the street) – 2,880; staying in an emergency homeless shelters – 14,4500 staying in violence– 7,350; provisionally accommodated (homeless but in hospitals, prison or interim housing) – 4,464 ( Gaetz et.al., 2013, p 5). A Homeless family is defined as a family with at least one parent or a legal guardian and one or more children under the age of 18. The main causes of family homelessness appear to be poverty, family violence, a lack of good quality affordable housing, and a poverty, lack of employment and family violence. A significant finding from the Segaert study (2012) as cited by Gaetz et al.,(2013) explains that there has been is an increase by over 50% of homeless children with their family between 2005 and 2009 from 6,205 to 9,459. Homelessness has become a devastating experience for people and it provides a negative impact on the physical, emotional and psychological health of family members. However, the psychological effects of losing one’s home and entering the ranks of homeless are less well understood, because homeless are being stereotyped and looked down on by the society. Making it worse, is that and most people only consider look on their physical needs of the homeless and but fails to examine the psychological consequences of being homeless. Psychological can defined as related mental and emotional state of the mind. Homeless children and their families are more likely to experience psychological challenges that the general population does not, and this needs to be addressed. Psychological Trauma of Family Homelessness Losing one’s home can be a stressor, and it caused psychological trauma development among homeless children and their families. According Goodman, Saxe & Harvey (1991, p 1219), psychologists and members of the American Association, psychological trauma refers to a set of responses to extraordinary, emotionally overwhelming and personally uncontrollable life events. Goodman et.al., (1991) states that “the eve