In today's world, two billion pigs populate farms, zoos, and the wild. While many view dogs as very intelligent animals, pigs are actually smarter than dogs. However, no one perceives these animals as capable of creating a major uprising on a farm in order to gain their independent. In "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, that is just what happens. Farm animals are sick and tired of the way their owner is treating them, so they fight the farmer and take over the farm. Once the war is over, the animals elect a pig as their president. But, without knowing how that will turn out for them. The pigs take advantage of the other animals by changing the commandments, by using the other animals' illiteracy to their advantage, and by having them work much harder than they should on the farm. First, the pigs take advantage of the other animals by changing the commandments. Originally, there was a commandment that read No animal should sleep in a bed because beds reminded animals of their human enemies. However, since some animals couldn't read, Napoleon and his pigs changed the commandment to "No animal should sleep in a bed with sheets." The pigs tried to convince all the animals that the commandment had always been like this. However, some animals knew that this wasn't the case. Eventually, Napoleon told the animals that anywhere they slept is technically considered a bed. So, the animals believed Napoleon until they saw him sleeping in a bed with sheets. The change in this commandment led to many disagreements throughout the farm, which would be an eventual focal point for upcoming arguments. Next, the pigs take advantage of the other animals by using their illiteracy to the pigs advantage. Boxer, who was seen as the strongest animal on the farm, was illiterate. No other animals had thought of a rebellion against Napoleon, since he was seen on the surface as a good leader. Many of the other animals were very gullible, so they would believe almo