Hello my good friend, it’s been along time since we have talked. The last time I saw you we were both young men. How has it been in Sturbridge since I moved away? For me the move has changed my life drastically. Since moving out here I have made a very comfortable life for myself. In fact I am in the top tax bracket in the the city. I own a small house, 51 acres of improved land and about 19 acres of unimproved land. I also own a very small farm with about 5 animals, 2 pigs and 3 chickens. My two boys, 17 and 15, help out the farm work so that I can attend to being a blacksmith. Soon I will teach the the art of being a blacksmith. My wife attends to the chores around the house. Times are changing my friend, don't you think? I mean, the market revolution has changed my life greatly. Thanks to the factories my days of creating tools and selling them to people are basically over. I just can’t make the tools at the same speed as the machines. When using a machine that makes axes you can make, “three hundred ax heads a day.” (265 America a Concise History) Now, most of my job is creating smaller items or repairing. For example I document what I do, and most of it is things like this, “Repairing slay, repairing waggon, coffee mill.” However, its not that bad, I stay plenty busy during planting season because the mass produced tools are not as durable as the ones I can make. My life is not the only thing that has changed as a result of the market revolution. My wife’s and children's lives have also changed. Thanks to the sowing loom she has a lot more free time. In fact she has joined a group in town just recently to decide whether or not to have a poor farm. What do you think of the poor farm idea or do you like the vendue system better? Overall, the market revolution has changed my life greatly. Do you feel as though you have experienced the changes that I have? Also, how do you feel about slavery? Hope to hear from you soon