In the 1930s, The Great Depression swept over America and life was greatly affected. Poverty, unemployment, and homelessness grew in the East causing women to get more involved with the daily activities outside of the household. In "The Grapes Of Wrath," most men went to work, either in factories or on the lands, while the women stayed home. Eleanor Roosevelt became a key voice inside the White House, she took on an active role in programs and supporting women working on the home front. The hardships women faced during the Great Depression and women's involvement in the labor force during World War II, led women to have a more independent and influential role in the family. Every town and city in the United States was impacted by the Great Depression causing women to further themselves in order to help their families. Before the Depression, many women did not pursue higher education or higher paying jobs (Flannery).The Depression influenced many women to pursue education that had previously been unavailable, unlikely, and unpopular for their gender (Flannery). The women that did engage in academics often limited their involvement because if they planned to marry, which was the life style, women would not be able to work after marriage (Flannery). With the economy in ruins and unemployment on the rise many men were finding it difficult, if not impossible, to obtain their jobs (Lucia). With households in shambles, women had to find low paying, part time jobs in order to help provide for the family. Eleanor Roosevelts was a key figure on the women's work force movement. Eleanor Roosevelt put pressure on her husband's administration to have more women in the workforce (Scharf). Eleanor Roosevelt became aware of the barriers women faced while working with other women on other social justice issues. Eleanor Roosevelt worked tirelessly to make women feel equal in the workplace (Scharf). Without Eleanor Roosevelt's intervention it would have been harder for women to find a work place (Scharf). Eleanor dedicated her life to improving the work force for women. Women in the 1930's were employed and were happy to have the opportunity to be working outside of the household. They didn't have high income jobs, but most of the women who did have jobs were working in factories, civil service, or other low paying jobs (Lucia). They also had to get a full education just to be e