Once upon a time, there lived a young girl named Mulan. She lived in a small house in the forest with her father and stepmother. Mulan was the oldest of three; she had two stepsisters who she did not get along with. Mulan was always the more adventurous out of the three and her stepmother despised her adventurous soul. Mulan was very close with her father, and would do anything for him. Her father owned a small trading shop in the town. The beast owned the building where her father’s trading shop was located. The beast had never been seen by anyone after he was cursed and turned into a beast. Mulan’s stepmother was always very spoiled. She constantly wanted the best of everything and could never settle for less. Her father would work every day of the week to be able to buy her stepmother and stepsisters such lovely things. Suddenly her father was drafted to fight in a war. Mulan tried all she could to go in his place since he was already so old and weak. Women were not allowed to be apart of fighting wars, they were suppose to stay home and take care of the household while men fight. While her father left to fight in the war, there was no money coming into the household. The stepmother was doing a horrible job at the trading job. Since the stepmother could not pay the beast rent he wanted something as payment. The beast did not want just anything that the stepmother had to offer. He only wanted Mulan. The reason behind this is because the only thing that can undo his curse of being a beast was if he found true love. He had seen her all over town and was absolutely infatuated with her. The beast made a deal with the stepmother. If she allowed Mulan to come stay with him, he would allow her to keep the trading shop and not have to pay rent. Of course the stepmother loved this idea, she would be getting rid of Mulan who she disliked so much. When the stepmother told Mulan she was absolutely devastated. Although she was very upset that her stepmother would trade her off, Mulan knew that if her father came back and his trading shop was gone he would be upset as well. The beast made arrangements to pick up Mulan early morning the next morning. As morning approached a carriage came, Mulan was nervous to see the beast. There was nobody in the carriage, but attached was a talking donkey. She was caught off guard when the donkey started explaining everything to her. As soon as she entered the carriage there was a note from the beast. In his note he explained that the donkey would be her bodyguard, and anything she needed he would provide, within reason. He al