
Spiritual Leaders in The Crucible

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When the words "spiritual leader" are said, often what comes to mind is someone who walks in the light of god and encourages the ones around them to follow in the Lord's footsteps. In Arthur Miller's play, "The Crucible," The Reverends Hale and Parris are looked to for spiritual leadership. However, it is made obvious that Reverend Hale demonstrates better spiritual leadership when it comes what is most important to them, their goals and their past history. Some people have pasts to be proud of. Reverend Hale's past is full of kindness and love. However, Parris did not have the ideal past that a minister should have. Hale, when faced with a dangerous situation puts others before himself. Years before, Hale took in a child that was believed to be cursed by a witch and, "recovered her normal behaviour after he had given her his kindness and a few days of rest in his own house." (Miller 31) It is obvious that Hale shows the compassion that is expected of a spiritual leader. Although Reverend Parris holds the same authority, he does not share the same gentle past. Before he was part of the ministry he was heading down an unpromising road that lacked spirituality. It is said that, "in history he cut a villainous path, and there was very little good to be said about him." (Miller 3) seen as a good spiritual leader. By comparing these two main characters past, it is already clear that Reverend Hale has been leading by example for his whole life, and Parris has not. Although ones past reflects who you are as a person and shows a lot about your character, one can learn from their mistakes and make up for it by not only having righteous morals but also setting important goals in life. Reverend Hale's goals are what to be expected from someone who dedicates their life to God and the Church. With a past that is so gracious and passionate, it is clear that Hale has his heart in the right place. It is said that "His goal is light, goodness and i

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