In George Orwell's novel 1984, the author expresses his prediction and fear of the future, thirty six years from the time that it was written. This novel was written as warning, of the use and abuse of power. Although in the novel 1984, the future society that is being portrayed, is not far from modern society. This is seen through the technological advancements, the governments ability to manipulate individuals of society, and the corruption of the government. Although some ideas in Orwells 1984 appear farfetched, they are, in reality, quite similar. Orwells prediction of technological advancement is similar to the technology of modern society. Due to the fact that this novel was written in 1948, the television had just been invented and put on the market. Orwell feared that this technology would later give the government an opportunity to peer into people's private lives, where there was of course no way of knowing whether the citizens were being watched at any given moment (Orwell 5), as seen by the telescreens in 1984. The authorities ability to manipulate certain individuals of Oceania is also very similar to modern day society. In the novel 1984, the Party manipulates the individuals often the weak and vulnerable and uses them to their advantage. For example, the Party attempts to brainwash the innocent, vulnerable children, into believing in Big Brother and obeying his every wish. It was almost normal for people to be afraid of their children for hardly a week passed in which the Times did not carry a paragraph describing how eavesdropping little sneak child hero was the phrase generally used had overheard some compromising remark and denounced his parents to authorities (Orwell 27). This worked to the Parties advantage due to the fact that; the quicker the non-believers were being destroyed, with greater haste, the entire society would believe in Big Brother free of any negative thoughts towards him. This is similar, tho