
Short Story - Peasant at Ease

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Beside the vales and meads across the narrow sea was a faraway kingdom ruled by a gay (happy/glad), modest, humorous and gangster-ish king who cracks so many puns and witticisms yet holds a golden-heart. Along the chambers of the palace was a simple and jovial peasant who has been serving the palace at the age of twelve. She cooks delicious meals, cleans the corridors, and provides the king who she addresses as Your Majesty with all of his wishes and desires. The peasant became the kings companion since she escorts him at all times. They were friends and even closer. The king had shared 1/3 of his life with the peasant. He shared his blisses, his dreads and his torments with her and that she is indeed grateful for it. One night the peasant had trouble to fall asleep. She had butterflies in her tummy, her heart was beating fast and her palms are sweaty during a yuletide night. All that she can think of was the king. The king and merely the king. At first she never admitted to have feelings for the king since she believed it would fleet after days. A semester passed but the feelings arent gone. She was confused. Her thought muddled for a few weeks. Her brain wanted to take the safe but boring path. It told her to hold back her feelings for the king. On the other hand, her heart wanted to travel the dangerous but fun route. It spoke to her telling her to take risks. In the end of the day, she decided to follow her heart and to take menaces. The king knew all about this. Good thing, he never changed. He told the peasant that hed only change for the soul he truly loves. While uttering these words he was enchanted by the magnificence of a princess moving out of her carriage to visit the kingdom. The filthy peasant recognized the blooming lady for she was the princess' best friend. Back the days, she worked for the princess' family. The peasant knew that she was the finest princess of the town bursting with her majestic beauty and splendor.

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