There is not a single piece of history that determines whether or not same sex marriage is right or wrong. There is absolutely no legal, logical, or governing reason that same sex couples cannot be wed and it is extremely unconstitutional in every way to tell them they cannot. Same sex marriage should be legal because they would be great parents, it eliminates feelings of being inferior, and it is no one's business if two men or two women want to get married. Those against gay and lesbian marriages often use the argument that homosexual couples are unfit parents and cannot produce a child without the help of a third party. Therefore, they should not be allowed to marry, since one of the sole reasons for marriage is to produce a child. However, this argument may contradict itself because if the main reason for marriage is to produce a child then why are sterile couples allowed to marry? Also, why is it that people perceive same sex couples to be "unfit parents" when no credible study has ever found that to be true. A study done by the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that children raised in homes with two parents of the same sex develop just as normally as their peers. In addition, research done by Nanette Gartrell (a professor of psychiatry at the University of California) and Henry Bos (a behavioral scientist at the University of Amsterdam) showed that children with lesbian parents may be doing even better than their peers. On average, children raised in lesbian homes have higher grades, more self-esteem, and were less likely to develop behavioral problems. Of greater importance, making same sex marriage illegal also makes the people who are attracted to the same sex feel inferior. No one enjoys being looked down upon, or feeling like they are below standards. The laws that do not allow same sex couples to get married contribute to homosexual people feeling lesser to the rest of society. Many people believe that homosexuality i