"This law has allowed the use of lethal force and legalized acts of murder that previously never would have been deemed "justifiable homicides" (Kill at Will). Because of the recent killings of teenagers regarding the Stand Your Ground law, they have been shot and killed. There are many things we can do to keep our children safe from harm starting with ending the Stand Your Ground Law. Racial profiling has been covered up by the Stand Your Ground law. The Stand Your Ground law is killing innocent people; we are losing our children behind ignorant people who use this law to cover up their wrong doing. the Stand Your Ground Law should be taken off the books because it profiles innocent children and adults. The case of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman was very high profiled during the years of 2012 till 2014. The case was justified by The Stand Your Ground Law, basically what occurred was Travon was walking back to his cousins house holding a can of tea and skittles wearing a black hoodie, and Zimmerman accused him of being suspicious. Subsequently, the two came in a brawl and Zimmerman shot Travon, an unarmed black seventeen year old. "African Americans have been ruled justifiable homicides than the killings of members of any other ethnic group in the nation" (Covington). Zimmerman shot Travon because to him he was another black teen causing a disturbance in the world. Zimmerman was placed on trial for this dispute and was found not guilty by the court. Stand Your Ground laws are more appropriately known as License to Murder (Gun.Guys.com). Furthermore, if more people in the world would take the time and find the true meaning and understanding of why there is The Stand Your Ground Law in the first place we could be saving our children. Stand your ground Law is a form of self-defense, which gives individuals the right to use deadly force to defend themselves without any requirement to evade or retreat from a dangerous si