There are numerous people and things in my life that have impacted me and inspired me. Although, the biggest influence on me and how I live is not just a distinct person or thing; it is an aggregate era, generation, a way of life. The 1940s through the 1960s have inspired me in a way that not just one person could. The amalgam of popular culture, everyday life, society, and social as well as political movements that I have perused and idolize from that period in time has inspired me in multitudinous ways. The '50s and '60s are renowned for the fashion trends and the noteworthy people. Meanwhile, ladies primarily donned stiletto heels, pencil-slim skirts, and dresses to give them an "hourglass" shape which accentuated fragile femininity. I venerate these notions because they are diverting juxtaposed to au courant fashion and in the past women were a paradigm that they should in perpetual strike as prepared, comely, and ladylike. These supposals, I justify, as a young woman, are substantially exigent in order to look, feel, and do my best and the fashion (along with the motives backing it) then indubitably highlighted those particular mannerisms, all the more modernly. Nevertheless, the era additionally embraced it's collection of people who resisted conformity and were fraternized with being themselves in a time of strict acquiescence. A nonpareil representation of someone who pushed the limits is Elvis Presley. He was scrutinized as someone who had southern charm and class, yet was not disinclined to push the limits with his rowdy Rock 'N Roll music that throngs of parents detested and his ways of dancing while performing that were revered beyond suggestive and bawdy. To clarify, I would say that I revel in being pulchritudinous and poised and I strive to carry out tasks and behaviors in good taste and simultaneously remain indomitable in order to excel and obtain eminence. During World War II, as scads of men were bearing transatlan