Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world. It was started on 1503 and completed on 1517. It is the greatest painting of the renaissance times. Right now is sitting behind bullet-proof glass at the Musée du Louvre in Paris, France. The small portrait attracts around six million visitors per year. Why is it that this is the most famous painting of the renaissance? Have you ever got something stolen or lost and then really wanted that thing back? Well that's what happen to this famous painting of Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Salon Carre in the Louvre. In August 1911, an Italian employee at the museum named Vincenzo Peruggia took the painting off the wall and walked out. His plan was to return the Mona Lisa to Italy where it belonged, but the police caught him after two years, and the painting was recovered and returned to France on December 30, 1913. Like I was saying something was lost and then you found it, the thing becomes valuable so did the painting. Since the Mona Lisa was stolen it attracted more people, eventually it became even more famous. When I found the painting of Mona Lisa was stolen. I was shocked because how could you let something valuable get stolen. So later when I found out about how and who stole it, I thought it was an inside job because the museum wanted to have it stolen so they could attract more attention. The reason I thought of that was because there is no way you could hide a painting and walk out of a building with tight security. I am not sure a hundred percent if it was an inside job or not. I sure do know it got a lot of attention when it was stolen which then later when it was found people that gave attention to it. People also visit Museum du Louvre museum just to Mona Lisa because it was made by Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo was one of the best people from the renaissance times, because he had achieved the renaissance goal of doing many things and exce