
The Importance of Having a Job

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When a student enters high school, they are told that their academics are the most important thing to them. Some people say that grades are the only thing that students should focus on while they are in school. If all they have done for the past four years was just focus on their studies then they do not have any work experience for the real world. I believe that believe that being an employed teenager is more beneficial being in extracurricular activities, community services and other activities because having a job teaches you time management, teamwork, developing life skills, financial independence , and maturity. One of the most important things about having a job is having good time management. Learning how to make things go more efficiently and faster and still. Also it could build a better work ethic to teach responsibility, learn to follow directions and be on time. Knowing how to balancing school and work will teach someone what is really important and learning how to prioritize. I learned that you cannot make every party or be at every social event because they will always be more. To me there is no better feeling than not having to ask someone to pay for something that you want and pay for it yourself. Having your own paycheck teaches you how to rely on yourself and not your parents. It also helps you to realize what your needs and wants really are. Having a certain amount to spend will teach someone the real value of money. A person will think twice if they should buy a pair $200 jeans from a high end store or a comfortable pair of jeans from the outlets for $25. Once a teens has to start to pay for their own clothes, food, fill up their own gas tank, and sometimes bills they learn the value of a dollar. This is a good skill to have early on in life rather when you get older. Even though students learn how to work with people in school, being in a work environment is a difference. Being an employer you cannot choose w

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