We all go through life knowing that there will be times when we must face critical moments. Grief and how it is processed and its effect on each is as different and diverse as the persons suffering through it. There are particulars that every individual is concerned over as they come to the end of their lives and there are concerns that are experienced by those who lose loved ones. Most people as they are coming to the end of their lives find themselves and their loved ones, family, physicians and others facing tasks and decisions that can either be fairly simple or very complex. (APA, 2014). Among the usual or normal concerns or regrets people have as they near the end of life is wishing that they had done more to fulfill their dreams. It is often a realization that they only half-heartedly pursued their dreams with any effort and now the factor of no longer having the good health to do so is their present reality. They may wish that they had expressed their feelings more often which sometimes borders on bitterness and resentment which may have led to a faltering health condition. Some regret not having allowed relationships or friendships to blossom or develop to a more meaningful level in their lives. Providing comfort for loved ones in their final stages of life is an even greater concern for the loved ones of a dying individual. Comfort care and medical care are large and looming issues during this time in the lives of both the end of life stage individual and their loved ones. In general people who are dying need care in four areas ”physical comfort, mental and emotional needs, spiritual issues, and practical tasks. (NIH, NIA, 2014). It is likely that one may be able to provide a measure of peace to a dying relative or friend by acknowledging that they will take care of some important detail or specific task the might be worried about. Religion and ethnicity also have a role in the grieving and mourning process of individual