
Humanities Essay - The Face of Beauty

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Every year in December, millions of people tune in to watch the Victoria's Secret Fashion show. As we watch these seemingly perfect models strut down the runway appealing to our visual senses, some girls and women can't help but feel insecure. Why? In todays society, those young and thin models are the epitome of beauty. Whereas theres women like Meghan Trainor promoting being curvy is beautiful. Its also portrayed in the GoldieBlox video, where young girls were being forced to conform to the idea that beauty is the color pink and looking exactly like a toy doll. In these cases, everyone sums beauty up as something physical, and those who dont fit the mold are ugly and treated as if they aren't even a human. Although, Im not fully disagreeing that beauty can be someone with a nice face, beauty doesn't have to be based on looks. Its definition extends to millions of things that different people can view as flawless. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, although that quote may have become a clich over the ages, I firmly believe in it. Everyone has a different definition of beauty. My definition of beauty is passion. From being a basketball player, I have a deep love for the sport I play. Its not only a game, its my form of happiness. I find something so beautiful in watching it. From the finesse of the players, to the techniques in the way they play, but most of all the passion they show when they step on the court. Its not only in basketball. From ballet to singing, even cooking, theres something so moving in seeing the passion and love in someones eyes when they are doing something they love. Its almost impossible to not feel joy, or even feel amazed by the twinkle in the eye of someone doing what makes them happy. No words can describe that moment of passion. Beauty doesn't have to be limited to just passion though. Even I find beauty in more than one thing. There can beauty is disaster, like the saying a beautiful chaos, or even

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