
Learning and Overcoming Obstacles

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At some point in life everyone has experienced success, but how often do you succeed on your first attempt? It is everyone's dream to be successful, but this success is very rarely given to anyone. For example, who would of thought that Thomas Edison failed about 10,000 times when trying to invent a working light bulb? Everyone has hurdles to get over and their own set of trials and tribulations to reach their destination. Nobody wants to fail but, failure can educate us on numerous of things. With failure you will be able to have a better perspective, understand limitations and build character. First of all, with failure comes an improved perception. There have been many cases when successful celebrities that has experienced struggle remain humble and compassionate. Troubles and failures make people appreciate what they have, remain content, andstay motivated, while easy success may make people lose sight and appreciation for what you have, vainly trying to over-achieve. Its easy to lost passion for something if you didnt have to fight for it. For example, my friend Jacquees has moved to Atlanta when he was 9 with hopes of becoming a singer with a burining passion for music. Luckily, a couple months he was signed to in boy's singing group called "Boys-Time" . With that group, he recieved early success and his career took off rapidly. Now, with him being 21 years old and having a lot of fame and fortune, he has lost his passion only does it for the money. This common scenario tend to happen to numerous of childhood stars and people who didn't have to work hard to reach the top. One big advantage of failure is that it grounds people in reality. With easy success, a person can have a sense of arrogance and have false perspective of their ability. With failure a person can realize the limitation to their capabilities. Its a reality check to notice that you aren't perfect. We are able to make a mental note of our strengths and weaknesses.

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