The American Dream has powered and motivated millions for generations. It gives an individual a since of power and freedom, leading one to strive to be the best they can be. The American dream has three key elements life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Without these elements nothing would be achievable today. American citizens have whats known as inalienable rights, which protect their basic rights, thus allowing one to be able to express and voice their opinions or ideas. The American Dream completely differs from one individual to the next. For example, Edgar, or better now known as the most famous delivery pizza deliverer, fulfilled his American dream by showing up unexpectedly to the Emmys Award Ceremony and serving the very well-known actors and actresses. Although this enlightened Edgar, most Americans would have the dream of buying a house, or being able to comfortably provide for their own family. In todays society we think in order to be successful we must have money, however, many people who fall into this trap out of ignorance will never achieve "The American Dream" they strive towards. If I decided I wanted to be the star of the next Academy Award winning hit, no matter how much I "want" it, it is not guaranteed to happen. This just means that the highway to success or, the person's choice whether they take it or not is up to them. You could get a good job, or even make your own job, enjoy a nice house, have a nice family, a car, and enjoy the best lifestyle you can generally afford. I think it is no longer a dream but rather a goal which we all are striving for some may reach it other won't it just a fact of life some will succeed where others may fail. The problem is that things had been too easy for far too long and everyone wants the easy answer the quick fix and the fast cash regardless of the consequence that may result because of the actions taken. Is our dream the same as it was 30 years ago definitely not