
Put Down the Burger!

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In todays world it is nearly impossible to not see ads. You probably don't think twice about the posters you pass in the supermarket, or the billboards on the highway, but they leave a longer lasting effect than you think. There are some simple techniques that make a big impact on why you buy what you do. Do you ever wonder how they do it? How they get you to buy that burger and fries? I have always found myself thinking about how things that shape our culture start. Who decides that it is a good idea to create a chair that moves up a mountain, or why girls put holes in their ears and wear little jewels. And who came up with all the different languages, how did they facilitate that. So how did the advertising of food start? There has to be a beginning to everything, and it just so happens that advertizing started in 1704 when the first ad was printed in the Boston News Letter. This was merely the beginning of what would turn out to be a huge franchise. In 1784 the first ever successful newspaper was started. It was called the Pennsylvania Packet & Daily Adviser. People could now put ads in the newspaper for fish, homes, jobs, and events. In 1898 the first prepackaged food is advertized, it was a biscuit. During the year 1906, Kellogg's first ad comes out. These events combined are the start of what is now the booming food industry. (Ad Age.) There are four main goals of ads. It is either to sell a product, make you switch products, make a brand name, or introduce new products. You always find one of these four objectives in whatever ad you see. Fast Food ads will typically either try to sell a product, or introduce a new product. You can find examples of all four being used though, such as this ad to the side. By putting the words The thing you want when you order a salad. It is prompting you to go to McDonalds instead of eating leafs for lunch. They angled the burger to make it look big and glorified. This makes people think Look how much food I can get for such little money. Therefore making a brand na

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